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Last Updated:
19th September 2022

Credit Cards

DUN Manager Web Order Form
One Step Ordering

DUN Manager is normally registered using the Registration form built-in to the software itself. This may be accessed by right clicking the DUN Manager tray icon, then selecting About/Registration.

This Web Order Form allows people that are concerned about contact and address details being sent by email to use this secure web server instead. The Registration form built-in DUN Manager is completed for a license by 'phone, fax, post' so a credit card number is not needed and pasted into this form, with the credit card details being specified here instead.

This order form is on a secure web server, and your browser should be indicating a closed padlock symbol to confirm this. Checking the security credentials will confirm this URL is secured for Magenta Systems Ltd. Please also note that your credit card number is encrypted on the server, and never saved or printed in unencrypted format.


DUN Manager Registration Form
This field contains the Registration form completed within DUN Manager itself. The form should be completed for a license by 'phone, fax, post' so a credit card number is not needed and click 'Save Email to Clipboard'. Then right click on the field above and paste the Registration form here.
Payment Type
Credit or debit card number
(the large numbers on the card)
MasterCard, VISA/Delta, American Express.
Expiry Date
(MM/YY, ie 12/19, credit/debit card users must complete this date)
Issuing Bank
(Not the card type,
(The name of the bank that issued the card, the issue country)
Security Code
(Mastercard/VISA, the 3 digit code printed at the end of the signature strip on the back of the card. Amex, the four digit code printed on the front above the embossed card number)
VAT Number
(if in Europe)

(not needed for UK companies, only other EU countries)
Debit Amount I authorise the debit of my card for the amount (or cheque value)
In September 2022, £40 is about US$45 depending on the daily conversion rate used by your credit/debit card company from UK sterling to dollars. In Europe, £40 is about €45 (euro). Please beware exchange rates are volatile at the moment going up and down daily.  VAT is only charged for UK orders and some European orders.


If you have trouble completing or submitting the form, please Email Magenta Systems to report a problem.

Cost in the UK must have VAT at 20% added. Companies in the European Union should quote their VAT number otherwise VAT must be charged at the rate for each different country.

Whether you pay by credit/debit card or cheque, you will receive a PDF tax invoice by email shortly after your payment is processed

Your Internet host details are automatically captured by this form for security purposes.

User Address: (

Magenta Systems Ltd, 9 Vincent Road, Croydon CR0 6ED, United Kingdom
Phone 020 8656 3636, International Phone +44 20 8656 3636
Copyright © 2025 Magenta Systems Ltd, England. All Rights Reserved.